Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

Local 28 of the Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Brief Amicus Curiae of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., American Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., National Urban League, Inc., Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund Inc., Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc., the New Jewish Agenda, and the Commission on Social Action of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and the Central Conference of American Rabbis

Supreme Court records on Sheet Metal Workers v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1985

Grove City College v. Bell: Brief Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents of American Association of University Women; American Civil Liberties Union; American Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities, Inc.; Center for National Policy Review; Children’s Defense Fund; Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Inc.; Employment Law Center; League of Women Voters of the United States; Mexican American Women’s National Association; National Association of the Deaf; National Coalition of Independent College and University Students; National Education Association; National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc.; National Student Educational Fund; National Women’s Political Caucus; NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund; New York City Commission on the Status of Women; United States Student Association; Women Employed; Women’s Equity Action League; and Women’s Legal Defense Fund

Supreme Court records on Grove City v. Bell, 1983

Brief of the Honorable Claudine C. Schneider, Gary Ackerman, Michael A. Andrews, Anthony C. Beilenson, William S. Broomfield, Sala Burton, Rod Chandler, Barber B. Conable, Jr., Alan Cranston, George W. Crockett Jr., Norman F. D’Amours, Robert W. Davis, Bob Dole, Byron L. Dorgan, Don Edwards, Cooper Evans, Lane Evans, Walter F. Fauntroy, Vic Fazio, Geraldine A. Ferraro, Barney Frank, Dan Glickman, William H. Gray III, Bill Green, James M. Jeffords, Nancy L. Johnson, Marcy Kaptur, BarBara B. Kennelly, William Lehman, Mickey Leland, Mel Levine, John P. McKernan, Jr., Stewart B. McKinney, Buddy MacKay, Lynn Martin, Barbara A. Mikulski, Norman Y. Mineta, Bruce A .Morrison, Mary Rose Oakar, James R. Olin, Bob Packwood, Claude Pepper, Edward R. Roybal, Patricia Schroeder, Paul Simon, Olympia J. Snowe, Esteban Edward Torres, James Weaver, Ted Weiss, Howard Wolpe of the United State Congress, as Amici Curiae

Supreme Court records on Grove City v. Bell, 1983