Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

Extension of the Voting Rights Act, Part 2

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Document Title: Extension of the Voting Rights Act, Part 2

Document Description: Congressional Hearings: House of Representatives Continuation of hearings before the Subcom on Civil and Constitutional Rights to consider the following bills to revise and extend the Voting Rights Act of 1965: H.R. 3112. H.R. 3198 and related H.R. 3473, the Voting Rights Amendments Act of 1981. H.R. 1407 and identical H.R. 2942 and H.R. 1731, the Voting Rights Act Repealer Amendments Act. Hearings were held in Austin, Tex., on June 5, and in Montgomery, Ala., on June 12.

Author: n/a

Publication Year: 1981

Publication: Hearing – Hearings Published

ProQuest Product: ProQuest Congressional

Source Institution: Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

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