Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

Document 25 June 10, 1947 Memorandum with attachments To: Members of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights Fr: Robert K. Carr

Presidential Papers of Harry S. Truman: Truman Administration’s civil rights program, desegregation of the armed forces: Negroes in the Armed Forces Prepared by Milton D. Stewart and Joseph Murtha: memorandum describing various policy statements on the recruitment, utilization, and treatment of African American troops issued by each military branch and the administrative actions taken to implement those policies, 1947

Casefile #61 -23: Radical Activities in the Greater New York District. 1921. [includes inserts of the following Bureau of Investigation files: #61-167: Workers Party of America; #61-349: Radical Newspapers and Magazines Printed in New York City; #61-44: Cyril v. Briggs; and #61-826: Marcus Garvey; African Blood Brotherhood], Department of Justice-Bureau of Investigation Surveillance of Black Americans, Freedom of Information Act Retrievals, 1921

National Archives Folder: Casefile on Cyril v. Briggs, Marcus Garvey, and the African Blood Brotherhood regarding government surveillance of African Americans, 1921

A Century of Negro Migration

Monograph by Carter G. Woodson, a Black historian, author, Newsist, and founder of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, that traces the history of African American migration to northern U.S. states., 1918