Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

Wagner-Van Nuys Anti-Lynching Bill

Text of the Wagner-Van Nuys Anti-Lynching Bill: A Bill for the better assurance of the protection of persons from mob violence and lynching, 1937

Document 158: February 11, 1937 Letter with attachment

Documents from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Library: Progress in formulating an antilynching bill that will meet constitutional tests and transmits a Justice Department memorandum assessing the NAACP proposed antilynching bill, reviewing distinctions between the present bill and previous antilynching bills, and examining the constitutional basis for the statute, with a review of relevant case law, 1937

Document 119: March 16, 1936 Letter with attachment

Documents from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Library: Acknowledgment of letter concerning presidential support for the Costigan-Wagner Bill, the president’s desire to focus Congress on other legislation, and the assurance that the president is still in support of antilynching efforts, 1936