Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

Document 72 September 9, 1957 Public Law Records as President, White House Central Files: Official

Civil Rights Act of 1957, text of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 (Public Law 85-315), in five parts: (1) to establish the Commission on Civil Rights, (2) to provide for an additional assistant Attorney General, (3) to strengthen the civil rights statutes and for other purposes, (4) to provide means of further securing and protecting the right to vote, and (5) to provide trial by jury for proceedings to punish criminal contempts of court growing out of civil rights cases and to amend the judicial code relating to federal jury qualifications, 1957

38 S. 99 (1863-1865)

A bill to secure equality before the law in the courts of the United States. That in the courts of the United States there shall be no exclusion of any witness on account of color., 1864

Resolutions of the Legislature of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, against the extension of the institution of slavery, and the further acquisition of foreign territory by the General Government; in favor of the right of trial by jury to all persons claimed under the fugitive slave law; and approving the course of the delegation from that state on the bill for the establishment of territorial governments in Nebraska and Kansas.

Resolutions of legislature of Rhode Island against extension of slavery and acquisition of foreign territory; for right of trial by jury to all persons; approving course of delegation from Rhode Island on bill for establishment of territorial governments in Nebraska and Kansas, 1854