Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

Riots, Civil and Criminal Disorders. Part 15

Congressional Hearings: Discusses procedural and legal issues involving subpoenas ducas tecum relating to materials bearing on alleged involvement of Stokely Carmichael, the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the Southern Conference Educational Fund, communism, and the black power movement in 1967 Nashville, Tenn. riot., 1969

This Business of Lynching

Text of pamphlet that provides an overview of the nationwide lynching problem, with listings by state, 1935

Compendium of enumeration of inhabitants and statistics of U.S., as obtained at Department of State, from returns of 6th Census, by counties and principal towns, exhibiting population, wealth, and resources of the country; with tables of apportionment, showing, 1st: Number of representatives, as fixed by Constitution before 1st enumeration, and number prescribed according to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Census; also number of representatives each State will be entitled to according to 6th Census, with fractions over, commencing at ratio of 55,000, and ascending by 500s to 70,000, to which is added abstract of each preceding census [with detailed data on population, education, employment, mining, agriculture, and manufacturing, by county, with some data shown by selected city; and congressional apportionment; by State]

1841 Census, 1841

Statistical view of U.S., embracing its territory, population – white, free colored, and slave – moral and social condition, industry, property, and revenue; detailed statistics of cities, towns and counties; being compendium of 7th Census, to which are added results of every previous census, beginning with 1790, in comparative tables, with explanatory and illustrative notes, based upon schedules and other official sources of information [with data on population characteristics; manufacturing establishments, operations, and finances; Government finances; foreign trade; agricultural indicators; education; religion; and transportation; with some detail for States, cities, counties, and foreign countries, 1850 and trends]

1850 Census, 1854