Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

African colonization — Slave trade — Commerce. Report of Mr. Kennedy, of Maryland, from the Committee on Commerce of the House of Representatives of the United States, on the memorial of the Friends of African Colonization, assembled in convention in the City of Washington, May, 1842. To which is appended, a collection of the most interesting papers on the subject of African colonization, and the commerce, etc., of Western Africa, together with all the diplomatic correspondence between the United States and Great Britain, on the subject of the African slave trade.

Colonization of free men in Africa, diplomatic correspondence with Great Britain on slave trade and commerce, 1843

Don Juan Madrazo.

Claim of Don Juan Madrazo for payment for slaves captured from schooner Isabelita and introduced illegally into United States, 1837

Don Juan Madrazo.

Claim of Don Juan Madrazo for payment for slaves captured from schooner Isabelita and introduced illegally into United States, 1836