1841 Census, 1841
Tag Archives: Rhode Island
Statistical view of U.S., embracing its territory, population – white, free colored, and slave – moral and social condition, industry, property, and revenue; detailed statistics of cities, towns and counties; being compendium of 7th Census, to which are added results of every previous census, beginning with 1790, in comparative tables, with explanatory and illustrative notes, based upon schedules and other official sources of information [with data on population characteristics; manufacturing establishments, operations, and finances; Government finances; foreign trade; agricultural indicators; education; religion; and transportation; with some detail for States, cities, counties, and foreign countries, 1850 and trends]
1850 Census, 1854
Return of whole number of persons within the several districts of U.S., according to “”Act providing for 2nd Census or enumeration of inhabitants of U.S.,” passed Feb. 28, 1800, printed by order of House of Representatives [with data on free population by age and sex, and slaves, by State and territory, county, and city, 1800]
1800 Census, 1801
Census for 1820, published by authority of act of Congress, under direction of Secretary of State [with census rules and blank forms, and data on free population by race, and slaves, by sex and age; aliens; and employment in agriculture, commerce, and manufacturing; by State and territory, county, and city]
1820 Census, 1821
Population of U.S. in 1860; compiled from original returns of 8th Census, under direction of Secretary of Interior [with detailed data on population size, by age, race, sex, birthplace, and occupation, for States, counties, and selected cities; and summary data on total and handicapped population characteristics, including selected foreign comparisons]
1860 Census, 1864
Sixth census, or enumeration of inhabitants of U.S., as corrected at Department of State, in 1840 [with data on slaves, and free population by race, by age and sex; disabled persons; employment by occupation; veterans; illiteracy; educational enrollment; and schools by level; by State, county, city, ward, and district]
1840 Census, 1841
Resolutions of the Legislature of Rhode Island, recommending the senators and representatives of that state in Congress to oppose the passage of any law tending to disturb the provisions of the act of March 6, 1820, commonly called the “Missouri Compromise Act,” in regard to slavery.
Resolutions of legislature of Rhode Island against passage of any law to disturb Missouri compromise act of March, 1820, against extension of slavery beyond 36 degrees 30 minutes of north latitude, 1854
Tariff, slavery, Mexican War, &c. Resolutions of the General Assembly of Rhode Island, relative to the tariff, slavery, Mexican War, &c.
Legislature of Rhode Island on tariff, slavery, Mexican war, etc., 1847
Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Rhode Island, in favor of the passage of the joint resolution submitting to the legislatures of the several states an amendment to the Constitution of the United States abolishing slavery.
Resolution of legislature of Rhode Island for constitutional amendment abolishing slavery, 1865
Resolutions of the Legislature of Rhode Island, in relation to slavery.
Legislature of Rhode Island, for establishing governments in territories acquired from Mexico, and for prohibiting slavery therein, and against claim of Texas to territory between Nueces and Rio Grande, and slave trade, etc., in District of Columbia, 1849
Resolutions of the Legislature of Rhode Island, relative to the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia.
Resolutions of legislature of Rhode Island for abolition of slavery in District of Columbia, 1848
Prohibition of slavery in Missouri.
Prohibition of slavery in Missouri, petition of inhabitants of Newport, Rhode Island, 1819
Slave trade.
Slave trade, petitions of Quakers yearly meeting held in Rhode Island, abolition societies convened in Philadelphia, and Providence Society, 1794
Sixth census, or enumeration of inhabitants of U.S., as corrected at Department of State, in 1840 [with data on slaves, and free population by race, by age and sex; disabled persons; employment by occupation; veterans; illiteracy; educational enrollment; and schools by level; by State, county, city, ward, and district]
1840 Census, 1841