Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

Earle, (Willie) Case. 98pp.

Records of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights: Records of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights: Federal anti-lynching legislation letters of support referencing case of Willie Earle in South Carolina, including correspondence with NAACP., 1947

Working Papers–Civil Rights Message February 2, 1948. 104pp.

Records of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights: President Truman’s civil rights message to Congress, February 2, 1948, consisting of drafts with outline of actions for Executive branch, Congress, states, and for public education., 1948

Tobias, Channing H. 48pp.

From the Harry S. Truman Library: Committee member Channing H. Tobias travel expenses and internal, administrative communications, including a letter from the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters urging the Committee to oppose segregated education., 1947

October-December 1942. 163pp.

Records of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters: Ladies Auxiliary of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, October-December 1942, including cooperation with the National Council of Negro Women and Women’s Trade Union League, 1942

Dr. Robert C. Weaver. 101pp.

National Archives Folder: Robert C. Weaver, Adviser on the Economic Status of the Negro at the Department of the Interior, correspondence on black employment., 1934-1937

Document 33: July 6, 1943 Letter

From the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library: Report on the national convention of the March on Washington Movement in Chicago, Illinois, 1943

HU010–Equality, Document Numbers 261217CU-266842.

John E. Jacob speech to National Urban League, Blacks in Government (organization), Civil Rights Act of 1991, Griggs v. Duke Power Co., Wards Power Co. v. Atonio, sex discrimination by U.S. Navy, John C. Danforth, Arthur Flemming, and Li Lu hunger strike in Washington, D.C., 1989-1993

Randolph, A. Philip

National Archives Folder: A. Philip Randolph oral history interview, 1968

Voting Rights Act Extension

House and Senate Reports: Supplement, containing minor corrections, to report on H.R. 3112, to revise and extend the Voting Rights Act of 1965. (For report summary, see H523-7.), 1981