Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

August 1926. 122pp.

Records of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters: Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters correspondence, August 1926, 1926

September-October 1926. 155pp.

Records of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters: Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters correspondence, September-October 1926, including Pullman employee representation plan, dues collection, porter grievances, suggestions on wage scale and working conditions, reduction in membership, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen assistance to the Brotherhood of Sleeping car Porters and case before National Mediation Board, 1926

March-April 1927. 116pp.

Records of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters: Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters correspondence, including Porter grievances, Pullman employee representation plan, National Mediation Board proceedings in Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters case, New York Citizens Committee of One Hundred, funds advanced to discharged members, Randolph’s speech to the National Urban League Conference, resignation of Ella Jones, president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Ladies Auxiliary, activities of Pullman Company spies and aims of the Trade Union Committee for Organizing Negro Workers, March-April 1927, 1927

To Amend the Railway Labor Act

Congressional Hearings: Considers legislation to revise the railway labor legislation and to provide for the prompt disposition of disputes between carriers and their employees., 1934