Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

Document 2 February 2, 1948 House Document Fr: Harry S. Truman

Record from President Truman’s library: President Truman’s attempts to put the principles of racial justice into law: civil Rights Program, Message from the President of the U.S. Transmitting His Recommendations for Civil Rights Program: message to Congress outlining president’s civil rights program based on recommendations of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights, 1948

Document 2 February 2, 1948 House Document Fr: Harry S. Truman

Record from President Truman’s library: President Truman’s attempts to put the principles of racial justice into law: civil Rights Program, Message from the President of the U.S. Transmitting His Recommendations for Civil Rights Program: message to Congress outlining president’s civil rights program based on recommendations of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights, 1948