Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

Black Panther Party Part 4: National Office Operations and Investigation of Activities in Des Moines, Iowa, and Omaha, Nebraska

Congressional Hearings: Continuation of hearings to investigate activities of the Black Panther Party. Appendices (p. 4977-5119) contain exhibits documenting testimonies of committee investigators, including: results of survey on party activities, its newspaper, and its finances; photographs from police files; and summarized interviews with former party members. Includes index to all individuals named., 1970

January-April 1926. 142pp.

Records of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters: Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters correspondence, January-April 1926, including Assigned working numbers for porters, effort to eradicate Communist influence in trade unions, voting plan in Omaha District, applications and dues, embezzlement scandal and revision of schedule of rules and rates of pay for Canadian railroads, 1962