Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

Seizure of American vessels — slave trade. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of State in relation to the seizure of American vessels by British armed cruisers, under the pretense that they were engaged in the slave trade; and also correspondence with Consul Trist, upon the subject of the slave trade, in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 21st ultimo.

Correspondence on seizures of American vessels by British cruisers, under pretext of vessels being engaged in slave trade; correspondence with Consul at Havana Nicholas P. Trist, 1841

Don Juan Madrazo.

Claim of Don Juan Madrazo for payment for slaves captured from schooner Isabelita and introduced illegally into United States, 1837

Don Juan Madrazo.

Claim of Don Juan Madrazo for payment for slaves captured from schooner Isabelita and introduced illegally into United States, 1836