Congressional Hearings: Continuation of subcom hearings on activities of the Black Panther Party, focusing in this volume on its chapters in Detroit, Mich., Philadelphia, Pa., and Indianapolis, Ind. Includes index to all individuals mentioned in testimony. Appendix contains submitted evidence relating to testimonies (p. 4571-4629), including:, 1970
Tag Archives: Michigan
Control–Police Department
Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library Files: Role of police during public demonstrations and riots, August 25, 1966-January 12, 1968, 1966-1968
Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library Files: Detroit, Michigan, Kerner Commission files, September 1967, 1967-1968
Detroit Riot [1943].
National Archive Records: Detroit Riot and the effect on war production, 1943, 1943
Michigan [1942-1945].
National Archive Records: Race relations in Michigan, 1942-1945, 1942-1945
OF 10-B: Justice Department, FBI Reports 2372-2389, 1943.
Records from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library: Federal Bureau of Investigation reports, including Detroit riots and labor conference–page 8, 1943
OF 10-B: Justice Department, FBI Survey of Racial Conditions in the U.S., Section 1 (Folder 1).
Records from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library: Federal Bureau of Investigation survey of U.S. racial conditions, 1939-1945
FBI Reports–Miscellaneous, 1943 (Folder 2 of 3). Hopkins Papers, Special Assistant to the President, Box 151.
Records from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library: Federal Bureau of Investigation reports, including riots and March on Washington conference– starting on page 54, 1943
Census for 1820, published by authority of act of Congress, under direction of Secretary of State [with census rules and blank forms, and data on free population by race, and slaves, by sex and age; aliens; and employment in agriculture, commerce, and manufacturing; by State and territory, county, and city]
1820 Census, 1821
Population of U.S. in 1860; compiled from original returns of 8th Census, under direction of Secretary of Interior [with detailed data on population size, by age, race, sex, birthplace, and occupation, for States, counties, and selected cities; and summary data on total and handicapped population characteristics, including selected foreign comparisons]
1860 Census, 1864
Sixth census, or enumeration of inhabitants of U.S., as corrected at Department of State, in 1840 [with data on slaves, and free population by race, by age and sex; disabled persons; employment by occupation; veterans; illiteracy; educational enrollment; and schools by level; by State, county, city, ward, and district]
1840 Census, 1841
Compendium of enumeration of inhabitants and statistics of U.S., as obtained at Department of State, from returns of 6th Census, by counties and principal towns, exhibiting population, wealth, and resources of the country; with tables of apportionment, showing, 1st: Number of representatives, as fixed by Constitution before 1st enumeration, and number prescribed according to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Census; also number of representatives each State will be entitled to according to 6th Census, with fractions over, commencing at ratio of 55,000, and ascending by 500s to 70,000, to which is added abstract of each preceding census [with detailed data on population, education, employment, mining, agriculture, and manufacturing, by county, with some data shown by selected city; and congressional apportionment; by State]
1841 Census, 1841
Statistical view of U.S., embracing its territory, population – white, free colored, and slave – moral and social condition, industry, property, and revenue; detailed statistics of cities, towns and counties; being compendium of 7th Census, to which are added results of every previous census, beginning with 1790, in comparative tables, with explanatory and illustrative notes, based upon schedules and other official sources of information [with data on population characteristics; manufacturing establishments, operations, and finances; Government finances; foreign trade; agricultural indicators; education; religion; and transportation; with some detail for States, cities, counties, and foreign countries, 1850 and trends]
1850 Census, 1854
Kansas affairs.
Kansas investigation, 1856
Resolutions of the legislature of Michigan, in favor of the proclamation of the President of the United States, of the first of January, emancipating the slaves in the slaves in the insurgent states, and pledging the State of Michigan to sustain the national administration in all its efforts to quell the present rebellion, and restore peace to the Union.
Resolutions of legislature of Michigan approving emancipation proclamation and sustaining administration in efforts to suppress rebellion, 1863
Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Michigan, in relation to Kansas affairs.
Resolutions of Michigan legislature on Kansas affairs, 1857
Resolution of the Legislature of Michigan, relative to the extension of slavery.
Resolution of legislature of Michigan on extension of slavery, 1858
Resolves of the Legislature of the State of Michigan, against the further extension of slavery.
Further extension of slavery. Resolutions of legislature of Michigan, 1858
Resolutions of the Legislature of Michigan, in favor of the prohibition of slavery within any territory of the United States now or hereafter to be acquired.
Legislature of Michigan, for prohibition of slavery within any territory now or hereafter to be acquired, 1849
Resolutions of the Legislature of Michigan respecting slavery.
Resolutions of legislature of Michigan on repeal of compromise measures; against extension of slavery into territory of United States; for abolition of slavery and slave trade in Territories and in District of Columbia; and instructing senators and representatives to procure passage of law to prohibit slavery in Kansas and Nebraska and repeal of fugitive slave law, 1855
Resolutions of the Legislature of Michigan, relative to slavery in the newly-acquired territories of New Mexico and California.
Resolutions of legislature of Michigan against slavery in New Mexico and California, 1849
Proceedings of the State Constitutional Convention of Michigan, held at Detroit, approving the plan of adjustment recommended by the Committee of Thirteen for the settlement of the slavery question.
Proceedings of State Constitutional Convention of Michigan, held at Detroit, approving plan of adjustment recommended by select Committee of Thirteen for settlement of slavery question, 1850
Resolutions of the Legislature of Michigan, relative to the application of the principles of the ordinance of 1787 to all the territories of the United States.
Resolutions of legislature of Michigan on application of ordinance of 1787 regarding slavery to all territories, 1849
Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Michigan, in relation to slavery in the territories.
Resolution of legislature of Michigan on slavery in Territories, 1857
Resolutions of the Legislature of Michigan, relative to slavery and the slave-trade in the District of Columbia.
Resolutions of legislature of Michigan on slavery and slave trade in District of Columbia, 1849