Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

This Business of Lynching

Text of pamphlet that provides an overview of the nationwide lynching problem, with listings by state, 1935

Wagner-Van Nuys Anti-Lynching Bill

Text of the Wagner-Van Nuys Anti-Lynching Bill: A Bill for the better assurance of the protection of persons from mob violence and lynching, 1937

Document 158: February 11, 1937 Letter with attachment

Documents from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Library: Progress in formulating an antilynching bill that will meet constitutional tests and transmits a Justice Department memorandum assessing the NAACP proposed antilynching bill, reviewing distinctions between the present bill and previous antilynching bills, and examining the constitutional basis for the statute, with a review of relevant case law, 1937

Document 119: March 16, 1936 Letter with attachment

Documents from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Library: Acknowledgment of letter concerning presidential support for the Costigan-Wagner Bill, the president’s desire to focus Congress on other legislation, and the assurance that the president is still in support of antilynching efforts, 1936

Document 28: April 20, 1934 Letter with attachment

Documents from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Library: The progress of the Costigan-Wagner antilynching bill, impediments to passage of bill from southern politicians, necessity for Congress to remain in session to review and approve the bill, and the possible lynching backlash if the bill does not pass, 1934

Document 2 February 2, 1948 House Document Fr: Harry S. Truman

Record from President Truman’s library: President Truman’s attempts to put the principles of racial justice into law: civil Rights Program, Message from the President of the U.S. Transmitting His Recommendations for Civil Rights Program: message to Congress outlining president’s civil rights program based on recommendations of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights, 1948

Document 2 February 2, 1948 House Document Fr: Harry S. Truman

Record from President Truman’s library: President Truman’s attempts to put the principles of racial justice into law: civil Rights Program, Message from the President of the U.S. Transmitting His Recommendations for Civil Rights Program: message to Congress outlining president’s civil rights program based on recommendations of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights, 1948