Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

14th Amendment and School Busing

Congressional Hearing: Hearings before the Subcom on the Constitution to examine the effectiveness of Federal court-ordered busing of students to achieve racial integration in public schools. Full Committee Member Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D-Del) participates in questioning witnesses on June 3. Includes texts of the following bills to limit assignment or transportation of public school students on the basis or racial imbalance: S. 528, the Neighborhood School Act of 1981 (p. 379-384). S. 1005, the Student Freedom of Choice Act, to amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (p. 385-391). S. 1147, the Racially Neutral School Assignment Act (p. 392-397). S. 1760, the Public School Civil Rights Act of 1981 (p. 398-404)., 1981

Transportation as a Remedy in School Desegregation

House and Senate Reports: Recommends passage with an amendment of S. 1651, to establish guidelines consistent with the Constitution for court-ordered transportation of students on the basis of race, color, or national origin., 1977

Voting Rights Act, Vol. 1

Congressional Hearings: Senate Hearing before the Subcom on the Constitution to consider the following bills to amend P.L. 89-110, the Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965 (text, p. 7-27): S. 53 (text, p. 28-30), to repeal VRA bilingual election requirements. S. 1761 (text, p. 31-36), the Voting Rights Amendments of 1981, to extend to all States and political subdivisions VRA Section 5 preclearance provisions currently requiring only designated States and areas with histories of discriminatory voting practices to submit election law changes to Justice Dept for approval. S. 1975 (text, p. 37-40), the Voting Rights Act Amendments of 1981, to extend VRA and revise “bailout” procedures permitting eligible jurisdictions to apply for removal of preclearance requirements. S. 1992 and identical H.R. 3112 (texts, p. 41-58), to continue current section 5 preclearance provisions and revise bailout procedures, to extend through 1992 provisions requiring bilingual election materials in jurisdictions with substantial language minorities, and to revise section 2 standard of proof in voting discrimination cases. Replaces the current standard requiring evidence of discriminatory intent with a standard based on evidence of voting practices producing discriminatory election results., 1982-1983