Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

Message from the President of the United States, communicating, (In confidence with resolutions of the Senate,) copies of the correspondence between the Government of the United States and that of Great Britain, on the subject of the right of search; with copies of the protest of the American minister at Paris against the quintuple treaty, and the correspondence relating thereto.

Presidential message communicating copies of correspondence with Great Britain, on right of search, with copies of protest of American minister at Paris against quintuple treaty, and correspondence thereon, 1846

Resolutions of the Legislature of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, against the extension of the institution of slavery, and the further acquisition of foreign territory by the General Government; in favor of the right of trial by jury to all persons claimed under the fugitive slave law; and approving the course of the delegation from that state on the bill for the establishment of territorial governments in Nebraska and Kansas.

Resolutions of legislature of Rhode Island against extension of slavery and acquisition of foreign territory; for right of trial by jury to all persons; approving course of delegation from Rhode Island on bill for establishment of territorial governments in Nebraska and Kansas, 1854

[Resolutions on the Annexation of Texas.]

Confidential. Contains proposed resolutions calling for the tabling of the treaty with Texas, for negotiations with Mexico to cede territory west of Texas, for Texas statehood, and for the establishment of a boundary of limits for slavery., 1844