News article: Essay by Booker T. Washington on literacy among African Americans, 1912
Tag Archives: education
A University Education for Negroes
News article: Essay by Booker T. Washington on university education for African Americans, 1910
41 H.R. 1486 (Ordered to be Printed House)
A Bill: Amendatory of an act establishing the Office of Education, discontinuing the Freedmen’s Bureau, and for other purposes, 1870
41 S. 431 (Reported in Senate)
A Bill to abolish the Freedmen’s Bureau, and provide for the Bureau of Education, 1870
The Schools for Freedmen
News article: On a school built by the National Freedmen’s Relief Association, 1865
Message of the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-fifth Congress.
State of the Union address, 1857
Preliminary report on the Eighth Census. 1860.
Preliminary report of Eighth Census, 1860, 1862
Mr. Cameron’s Reply
Letter from Malcolm Cameron on the New School Bill, 1850
School and College: What the Negro Is Doing for Himself. The Educational Work of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
News article: Daniel A. Payne on the educational work of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1892
Bishop Payne’s First Annual Address
Bishop Payne’s First Annual Address to the Philadelphia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1853
Cointelpro Black Extremist 100-448006, Section 1 [August 1967-April 1968].
FBI surveillance records from the COINTELPRO Black Extremist program from August 1967-April 1968, including memo on the establishment of counterintelligence program targeting “black nationalist-hate type organizations” and goals of the program, 1967-1968
Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987
House and Senate Reports: Recommends passage, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute, of S. 557, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, to amend the Education Amendments of 1972 and three other acts to clarify congressional intent regarding the scope and coverage of prohibitions against race, sex, handicap, and age discrimination by providing that programs and entities receiving direct or indirect Federal assistance are subject to civil rights laws on an institution-wide rather than a program-specific basis. Bill responds to Feb. 1984 Supreme Court decision in Grove City College v. Bell, holding Grove City College a recipient of Federal assistance on the basis of financial aid student enrollments, but limiting the applicability of Education Amendments of 1972 Title IX sex nondiscrimination provisions to the financial aid program. Includes minority views (p. 37-38). S. 557 is related to 98th Congress S. 2568 and 99th Congress S. 431., 1987
Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987
Congressional Hearing: Hearings to consider S. 557, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, to amend the Education Amendments of 1972 and three other acts to clarify congressional intent regarding the scope and coverage of prohibitions against race, sex, handicap, and age discrimination by providing that programs and entities receiving direct or indirect Federal assistance are subject to civil rights laws on an institution-wide rather than a program-specific basis. Bill responds to Feb. 1984 Supreme Court decision in Grove City College v. Bell, holding Grove City College a recipient of Federal assistance on the basis of financial aid student enrollments, but limiting the applicability of Education Amendments of 1972 Title IX sex nondiscrimination provisions to the financial aid program., 1987
Supreme Court of the United States No. 369: Brief of Respondents
Supreme Court records on Sipuel v. Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma, 1947
Supreme Court of the United States No. 369: Brief of Respondents
Supreme Court records on Sipuel v. Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma, 1947
The Social Adjustment of Negroes in the U.S., National Urban League, April 15, 1933.46pp.
National archive records: Special research memorandum submitted to President Franklin D. Roosevelt by the National Urban League regarding the social adjustment of Black Americans., 1933
Minutes of Meetings of President’s Committee on Civil Rights–January 15, 1947 through April 17, 1947. 240pp.
Records of the President’s Committee on Civil Rights: Committee meeting minutes on civil rights and legislation, with transcripts of testimony from Justice Department, National Urban League, and NAACP officials., 1947
Civil Rights
Congressional Hearing: Considers legislation authorizing the adoption of the Senate Civil Rights Bill without further House consideration., 1964