Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

Document 158: February 11, 1937 Letter with attachment

Documents from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Library: Progress in formulating an antilynching bill that will meet constitutional tests and transmits a Justice Department memorandum assessing the NAACP proposed antilynching bill, reviewing distinctions between the present bill and previous antilynching bills, and examining the constitutional basis for the statute, with a review of relevant case law, 1937

Diplomatic code of U.S.A., embracing collection of treaties and conventions between U.S. and foreign powers, from year 1778-1827, with index to principal cases decided in courts of U.S. upon points connected with their foreign relations; and various official acts, papers, and useful information, for public ministers and consuls; to which is annexed, extracts from treaties and conventions, at present subsisting between Great Britain, France, Spain, etc., chiefly intended to elucidate policy pursued towards America, about period of late general pacification in Europe

Diplomatic code of U.S.A., embracing collection of treaties and conventions between U.S. and foreign powers, from year 1778-1827, with index to principal cases decided in courts of U.S. upon points connected with their foreign relations; and various official acts, papers, and useful information, for public ministers and consuls; to which is annexed, extracts from treaties and conventions, at present subsisting between Great Britain, France, Spain, etc., chiefly intended to elucidate policy pursued towards America, about period of late general pacification in Europe, 1827

American diplomatic code, embracing collection of treaties and conventions between U.S. and foreign powers from 1778-1834, with abstract of important judicial decisions on points connected with our foreign relations; also, concise diplomatic manual, containing summary of law of nations from works of Wicquet, Vattel, Martens, Ward, Kent, Story, etc., and other diplomatic writings on questions of international law useful for public ministers and consuls and for all others having official or commercial intercourse with foreign nations; in 2 volumes: Vol. 2, with notes and indexes

American diplomatic code, embracing collection of treaties and conventions between U.S. and foreign powers from 1778-1834, 1834