Congressional Committee Prints: Subcom on Separation of Powers report recommending passage, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute, of S. 1647, the Neighborhood School Transportation Relief Act of 1981, to deny the jurisdiction of inferior Federal courts to order student assignments or transportation to alter the racial or ethnic balance in public elementary and secondary schools. Also prohibits court assignment of teachers or administrators to schools other than specified in contracts with State and local educational agencies., 1983
Tag Archives: busing
School Desegregation
Congressional Hearing: Hearings before the Subcom on Civil and Constitutional Rights to examine the status of public school desegregation and the effectiveness of Federal court-ordered busing of students to achieve racial integration., 1981
14th Amendment and School Busing
Congressional Hearing: Hearings before the Subcom on the Constitution to examine the effectiveness of Federal court-ordered busing of students to achieve racial integration in public schools. Full Committee Member Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D-Del) participates in questioning witnesses on June 3. Includes texts of the following bills to limit assignment or transportation of public school students on the basis or racial imbalance: S. 528, the Neighborhood School Act of 1981 (p. 379-384). S. 1005, the Student Freedom of Choice Act, to amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (p. 385-391). S. 1147, the Racially Neutral School Assignment Act (p. 392-397). S. 1760, the Public School Civil Rights Act of 1981 (p. 398-404)., 1981
Court-Ordered School Busing
Congressional Hearing: Hearings before the Subcom on Separation of Powers to consider the following bills to limit court-ordered busing of students to achieve racial integration of public schools: S. 528 (text, p. 671-676), the Neighborhood School Act of 1981, to amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit court-ordered busing in cases likely to result in greater racial imbalance or to have a net harmful effect on education quality, and to limit the time and distance of court-ordered bus travel. S. 1147 (text, p. 684-689), the Racially Neutral School Assignment Act, to amend the Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974 to prohibit assignment of students to public schools on the basis of race. S. 1647 and similar S. 1743 (texts, p. 690-700), both the Neighborhood School Transportation Relief Act of 1981, to deny the jurisdiction of inferior Federal courts to order student assignments or transportation to alter the racial or ethnic balance in public schools. Full Committee Member Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) presents a statement (p. 105-106)., 1981
Limitations on Court-Ordered Busing: Neighborhood School Act
Congressional Hearing: Hearings before the Subcom on Courts, Civil Liberties, and the Administration of Justice to consider the Neighborhood School Act of 1982 (dept rpt, p. 121-128), proposed as an amendment to S. 951 (text, p. 4-27), the Department of Justice Appropriation Authorization Act, FY82. The Neighborhood School Act limits Federal court-ordered busing of students to achieve racial integration of public schools. Focuses on constitutionality of congressional restrictions on Federal court jurisdiction., 1982
Effectiveness of Mandatory Busing in Cleveland
Congressional Hearing: Hearing in Cleveland, Ohio, before the Subcom on the Constitution to examine the effectiveness of Federal court-ordered school busing in achieving racial integration of Cleveland public schools., 1995
Legislative Responses to School Desegregation Litigation
Congressional Hearing: Hearing before the Subcom on the Constitution to examine the need for legislation to restrict the ability of Federal courts to impose court-ordered school busing to achieve racial integration in public schools., 1996
Busing for School Desegregation
CRS Report: Presents an overview of mandatory school busing for desegregation, including arguments for and against, relevant Supreme Court decisions, Federal laws, and activity in the 97th-98th Congresses., 1985
Historical Summary of School Desegregation Since 1954
CRS Report: Examines Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education and its immediate impact. Traces history of school desegregation up to present; discusses subsequent court rulings concerning desegregation; examines the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as effects of enforcement by Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and DOJ; and reviews Congressional action regarding desegregation, focusing on emergency school aid and busing., 1973
Busing and the Lower Federal Courts
CRS Report: Addresses role of lower Federal courts in student busing; and summarizes issues, cases, and decisions., 1979
Metropolitan School Desegregation
CRS Report: Discusses the social and educational implications of metropolitan school desegregation, legal precedents, and congressional policy options., 1980
Legal Analysis of S. 528, 97th Cong., 1st Sess., the “Neighborhood School Act of 1981”
CRS Report: Analyzes legal and constitutional implications of S. 528, the Neighborhood School Act of 1981, to prohibit court-ordered cross-district school busing and to limit the time and distance of court-ordered bus travel., 1981
Transportation as a Remedy in School Desegregation
House and Senate Reports: Recommends passage with an amendment of S. 1651, to establish guidelines consistent with the Constitution for court-ordered transportation of students on the basis of race, color, or national origin., 1977
Desegregation and the Cities: The Trends and Policy Choices
Congressional Committee Prints: Report, prepared by committee consultant Gary Orfield, assessing trends in urban housing and school desegregation. Discusses trends in metropolitan housing and educational segregation; court decisions having an impact on desegregation; trends away from consistent enforcement by HEW and HUD; and varied issues related to school busing., 1977
School Desegregation
Congressional Committee Prints: Subcom on Civil and Constitutional Rights report summarizing testimony presented at Sept.-Nov. 1981 hearings to examine the status of primary and secondary school desegregation programs and the effectiveness of desegregation implementation strategies., 1982