Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

The Everlasting Stain

Book by Kelly Miller. The essays in this collection center about the issues growing out of the World War and the Negro’s relation to them. Several of the titles have appeared in separate pamphlet form and as magazine articles. The reader will note that the articles are presented as of date of writing. There appear some duplications, due to the fact that the productions herein assembled were prepared for various occasions., 1924

Is Slavery Dead

News article: On the effects of the Emancipation on slavery and the civil war, 1864

Sentiments of Abraham Lincoln on Slavery.: From Speech at Springfield, Ill., June 17, 1858. Dred Scott Case the Knell of Freedom. From the same. From Speech at Chicago, July 10, 1858. From Speech at Springfield, July 17, 1858. From Speech at Jonesboro, Ill., Sept. 15, 1858. From Speech at Quincy, Ill., Oct. 13, 1858. The text of the Constitution. From Letter to Boston Committee, April 6, 1859. From Letter to German citizens, May 17, 1859. From Speech at Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 1859. From Speech at Cincinnati, Sept. 1859. From Message to Congress of December 1, 1862. From Message to Congress, Dec. 8, 1863. From Letter to A. G. Hodges, April 4, 1864.

News article: Abraham Lincoln on slavery and the Dred Scott case, 1864