Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

14th Amendment and School Busing

Congressional Hearing: Hearings before the Subcom on the Constitution to examine the effectiveness of Federal court-ordered busing of students to achieve racial integration in public schools. Full Committee Member Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D-Del) participates in questioning witnesses on June 3. Includes texts of the following bills to limit assignment or transportation of public school students on the basis or racial imbalance: S. 528, the Neighborhood School Act of 1981 (p. 379-384). S. 1005, the Student Freedom of Choice Act, to amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (p. 385-391). S. 1147, the Racially Neutral School Assignment Act (p. 392-397). S. 1760, the Public School Civil Rights Act of 1981 (p. 398-404)., 1981