Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

OF-142-A-5-A Negro Matters-Colored Question: Integration Program for Public Schools, Colleges, and Universities. Little Rock, Arkansas, School Integration-Governor [Orval E.] Faubus’ Use of National Guard (5) [1957].

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Document Title: OF-142-A-5-A Negro Matters-Colored Question: Integration Program for Public Schools, Colleges, and Universities. Little Rock, Arkansas, School Integration-Governor [Orval E.] Faubus’ Use of National Guard (5) [1957].

Document Description: From the Presidential Library of Dwight D. Eisenhower: Little Rock school desegregation crisis, 1957, including message from parents of black students enrolled at Central High School

Author: n/a

Publication Year: 1957

Publication: Civil Rights during the Eisenhower Administration. Part 1: White House Central Files, Series A, School Desegregation

ProQuest Product: ProQuest History Vault

Source Institution: Presidential Library: Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas. Records as President: White House Central Files

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