Category Archives: Slave Rebellions and Resistance
A Strange Advertisement.
Alteration of doc. H.R. no. 185 — Amistad case.
Amistad Case
Article 1 — No Title
Article 4 — No Title
Celebrated Colored Americans
Conspiracy in Delaware.
Domestic Intelligence
Domestic: The Southampton Tragedy.
Extracts from an act of the Virginia Assembly passed the 22d February, 1817.
Law Cases.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the information required by the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 23d ultimo, in relation to the Africans taken in the vessel called the Amistad, &c..
Message of the President of the United States, communicating the correspondence in relation to the claim of the owners of the Amistad for compensation, on account of the liberation of the negroes on board that vessel.
Nat Turner
Recovery of fugitive slaves
Report of the Marshal of the District of Columbia in answer to a resolution of the Senate of the 4th instant, in relation to the persons confined in the Washington County jail, and the causes of their confinement, &c.
Resolutions of the Legislature of Kentucky, in favor of the passage of a law by Congress to enable citizens of slaveholding States to recover slaves when escaping into the non slaveholding states.
Resolutions of the Legislature of Maryland, in favor of a law for the better security of the rights of the owners of runaway slaves.
Rights of Runaway Slaves
Runaway Slaves.
Runaway slaves. Resolutions of the Legislature of Maryland, relative to the rescue of arrested runaway slaves.
Schooner “Amistad.” Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, relative to the schooner “Amistad.”
Schooner Amistad. (To accompany bill H.R. no. 328.).
Schooner Amistad. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Spanish Minister relative to the case of the Amistad.
Servile Conspiracy in S. Carolina.: Copy of a letter from the governor of the state of South Carolina.
Slavery Record
The Nat Turner Insurrection
The Premium to Kidnappers.
Tuesday, January 23, 844.: Justice in Tennessee.
Washington’s Runaway Slave
William Jones. (To accompany bill H.R. no. 56.).
[Message of President on payment of claims, etc., in case of schooner Amistad, and minority views]
[Resolution of Senate on payment of claimants in case of Spanish schooner Amistad]
[Resolution on payment of claim, case of Spanish schooner Amistad]
Editorial on an advertisement of a slaveowner searching for a white-passing runaway slave, 1844
House and Senate Reports: Alteration of Doc. H.R. No. 185, Amistad case, 1841
Newspaper article The Colored American, 1840
Journal article on a runaway slave that had lived for many years in another state with a wife and child, 1849
Journal article: On Nat Turner’s arrest, 1831
News article: biographical sketch of Nat Turn by William Wells Brown, 1861
News article: Money reward for Nat Turner’s capture, 1831
News article: On the slave rebellion in Charleston, 1822
News article: On the Southampton Insurrection and Nat Turner, 1831
News article: On laws regarding runaway enslaved persons in Virginia, 1819
News article: Article on a legal case involving a runaway slave, 1833
House and Senate Documents: Correspondence on capture of Spanish schooner Amistad and African enslaved persons taken, 1840
Presidential message communicating correspondence on claim of owners of Amistad for compensation for liberation of negroes on board, 1851
News article on Nat Turner, 1859
American State Papers: Recovery of fugitive enslaved persons, 1821
House and Senate Documents: Persons confined in Washington county jail, including runaway enslaved persons, District of Columbia, etc., 1861
House and Senate Documents: Legislature of Kentucky, for passage of law of Congress to enable citizens of slaveholding States to recover enslaved persons escaping into non-slaveholding States, 1847
House and Senate Documents: Legislature of Maryland, for law for better security of rights of owners of runaway enslaved persons, 1844
News article: On the rights of runaway enslaved persons to have a trial by jury, 1836
News article on runaway enslaved persons that were captured., 1848
House and Senate Documents: Resolutions of Legislature of Maryland on rescue of arrested fugitive enslaved persons, 1844
House and Senate Documents: Spanish schooner Amistad, 1844
House and Senate Reports: Indemnity for Spanish schooner Amistad, 1844
House and Senate Documents: Indemnity for Spanish schooner Amistad, 1853
News article: On the slave rebellion in Charleston, 1822
News article: On Nat Turner’s execution, 1831
News article: On a free woman accused of being a runaway enslaved person, 1834
News article on Nat Turner, 1859
News article: On laws on bounties for slave hunters, 1843
News article: Stories from free African Americans in Tennessee accused of and imprisoned for being runaway enslaved persons, 1844
News article: Story of a runaway enslaved person who escaped after General Washington died., 1845
House and Senate Reports: Illegal arrest and imprisonment of William Jones, free man of color in District of Columbia, 1844
Message of President on payment of claims, etc., in case of schooner Amistad, and minority views, 1858
House and Senate Reports: Resolution of Senate on payment of claimants in case of Spanish schooner Amistad, 1851
House and Senate Documents: Resolution on payment of claim, case of Spanish schooner Amistad, 1852