Category Archives: Civil War and Reconstruction Era: Organizations
39 S. 50 (Ordered to be Printed Senate)
39 S. 595 (Reported in Senate)
39 S. 60 (Introduced in Senate)
40 S. 196 (Reported in Senate)
40 S. 567 (Introduced in Senate)
41 H.R. 1486 (Ordered to be Printed House)
41 S. 146 (Referred to Committee Senate)
41 S. 431 (Reported in Senate)
Address of the American Freedmen’s Aid Commission.
Advertisement 1 — No Title
American Freedmen’s Aid Commission
American Freedmen’s Aid Commission: Remarks of Bishop Mcilvaine. Remarks of Bishop Simpson. Remarks of Rev. Dr. Bellows. Remarks of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher.
An Act relating to the Freedmen’s Bureau and providing for its Discontinuance
An Appeal for the Freedmen: Ladies of Augusta
An Appeal the Citizens of Maine
Article 1 — No Title
Bureau of Freedmen’s Affairs
Charges against General Howard.
Commercial.: The Freedman’s Bank in Washington.
Freedman’s Bank.
Freedman’s Loan and Trust Company. Resolution of the Legislature of South Carolina, asking for an appropriation to meet losses incurred by depositors in the Freedman’s Loan and Trust Company.
Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company.
Freedmen’s Bureau. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting report of the Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Freedmen’s Bureau. Mr. Sumner’s Speech
Freedmen’s Bureau in Mississippi. Resolutions of the Mississippi Constitutional Convention, relative to the Freedmen’s Bureau.
Freedmen’s Relief Meeting
Freedmen’s Bureau.
Gen. O. O. Howard and the Freedmen’s Bureau
Letter from the Secretary of War, in answer to a resolution of the House of March 8, transmitting a report, by the Commissioner of the Freedmen’s Bureau, of all orders issued by him or any assistant commissioner.
Letter of the Secretary of War, transmitting a communication from the Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, asking the appointment of a committee to investigate into and report upon the administration of said bureau from its organization to its prospective discontinuance.
Message from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 27th of February last, a communication from the Secretary of War, together with the reports of the assistant commissioners of the Freedmen’s Bureau made since December 1, 1865.
Message from the President of the United States, returning to the House bill No. 613, with his objections thereto.
Methodist Freedmen’ s Bureau.
New England Freedmen’s Aid Society
Report of the Commissioners of the Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company. Letter from the Commissioners of the Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company, transmitting, in compliance with the resolution of December 11, 1874, their report.
Republican Rally at Union League
Resolution of the House of Representatives for the appointment of a joint committee of the two houses to investigate the action of the Freedmen’s Bureau and its officers.
Resolution of the Legislature of North Carolina, asking that the branches of the Freedmen’s Savings-Banks of that state be required to account honestly to the depositors in said banks.
Resolutions adopted by the Grand Union League of Maryland, March 20, 1867.
Sufferings of Emancipated Slaves
The “Freedmen’s Bureau” in the United States
The American Freedmen’s Aid Commission
The American Freedmen’s Aid Commission–Its Origin.
The American Freedmen’s Aid Commission–Its Origin: First Session of the Commission. Purpose and Policy. The Freedmen’s Bureau. Thorough and Uniform Organization.
The Freedman’s Savings Bank
The Freedman’s Savings Bank
The Freedman’s Savings Bank
The Freedmen’s Bank
The Freedmen’s Bureau
The Freedmen’s Bureau
The Freedmen’s Bureau
The Freedmen’s Bureau
The Freedmen’s Bureau in North Carolina
The Schools for Freedmen
The Thanksgiving Contribution
The Union League
The Union League Club on Disfranchisement
The Union League During the War
The Woman’s Union League of Newark
To Pastors– The Freedmen
Twentieth U.S. Colored Regiment: Reception by the Union League. Speech of Charles King.
Union League
A Bill that the President of the United States be authorized to extend and maintain a branch of the Freedmen’s Bureau, 1865
A Bill to regulate the disposition of an irregular fund in the custody of the Freedmen’s Bureau, 1867
A Bill to enlarge the powers of the Freedmen’s Bureau, 1866
A Bill to continue to certain officers and agents of the Freedmen’s Bureau the powers conferred on them by the acts creating said bureau, 1867
A Bill relating to the Freedmen’s Bureau and providing for its discontinuance, 1868
A Bill: Amendatory of an act establishing the Office of Education, discontinuing the Freedmen’s Bureau, and for other purposes, 1870
A Bill relating to the Freemen’s Bureau and providing for its discontinuance, 1869
A Bill to abolish the Freedmen’s Bureau, and provide for the Bureau of Education, 1870
News article: Address made by the American Freedmen’s Aid Commission, 1865
News article: On the American Freedmen’s Aid Commission, 1865
News article: On the American Freedmen’s Aid Commission, 1865
News article: Bishop McIlvaine, Bishop Simpson, Reverend Bellows, and Reverend Beecher’s remarks on the American Freedmen’s Aid Commission, 1865
An Act relating to the Freedmen’s Bureau and providing for its Discontinuance, 1868
News article: requesting aid for the National Freedmen’s Relief Association, 1864
News article: On the Maine auxiliary branch of the National Freedmen’s Relief Association, 1865
Journal article: On an orphanage the National Freedmen’s Relief Association helped build, 1868
House and Senate Reports: Bureau of Freedmen’s Affairs, 1865
House and Senate Reports: Charges against General O. O. Howard, administrator of Freedmen’s Bureau, 1870
News article: On Frederick Douglass as president of the Freedman’s Bank and its assets., 1874
House and Senate Reports: Report on the Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company, 1876
House and Senate Documents: Resolution of South Carolina legislature on Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company, 1875
House and Senate Reports: Condition of Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company, 1875
House and Senate Documents: Message of President transmitting report of Commissioner of Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865
News article that includes a transcription of Senator Sumner’s Speech on the Freedmen’s Bureau, 1864
House and Senate Documents: Freedmen’s Bureau in Mississippi, resolutions of Mississippi constitutional convention, 1868
News article: Reverend Tyng’s address to the Freedmen’s Relief Meeting, 1863
News article on the Freedmen’s Bureau, 1866
News editorial on the difference between the Freedman’s Bank and the Freedmen’s Bureau, 1894
House and Senate Documents: Report of Commissioners of Freedmen’s Bureau, 1866
House and Senate Documents: Freedmen’s Bureau asking appointment of committee to investigate administration of its affairs, 1868
House and Senate Documents: Message of President communicating reports of assistant commissioners of Freedmen’s Bureau, made since December 1, 1865, 1866
House and Senate Documents: Message of President returning Freedmen’s Bureau bill, with objections, 1866
News article on the role of churches in working with the Freedmen’s Bureau, 1874
News article: On the New England branch of the American Freedmen’s Aid Commission, 1865
House and Senate Documents: Report of commissioners of Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company, 1874
News article on a Republican rally at the Union League in New York City, 1916
House and Senate Documents: Resolution for appointment of joint committee to investigate action of Freedmen’s Bureau and its officers, 1866
House and Senate Documents: Resolution of legislature of North Carolina, asking that branches of Freedman’s Savings-Banks be required to account honestly to depositors, 1875
House and Senate Documents: Affairs in Maryland. Resolutions adopted by Grand Union League, 1867
News article: On the National Freedmen’s Relief Association and aid, 1863
News article on the Freedmen’s Bureau, 1870
News article: On the American Freedmen’s Aid Commission, 1865
News article on the organization of the Freedmen’s Bureau, 1865
News article: On the origins of the American Freedmen’s Aid Commission, 1865
News article on the Freedman’s Bank, 1875
News article on the of the Freedman’s Bank, 1881
News article on the failure of the Freedman’s Bank, 1883
News editorial on the failure of the Freedman’s Bank, 1876
News editorial on the history of the Freedmen’s Bureau, 1871
News article on General Howard taking the role of commission of the Freedmen’s Bureau, 1865
News article on the Freedmen’s Bureau, 1865
Journal article on the Freedmen’s Bureau, written by W. E. B. Du Bois, 1901
News article on how the Freedmen’s Bureau works in North Carolina, 1865
News article: On a school built by the National Freedmen’s Relief Association, 1865
News article: On the American Freedmen’s Aid Commission and the need for aid contributions, 1865
News article on the Union League of Philadelphia, 1865
News article on the Union League, 1903
News article on the Union League, 1889
News article on the Women’s Union League of Newark, 1899
News article: On the National Freedmen’s Relief Association and organization for aid, 1863
News article on the Union League and the Twentieth U.S. Colored Regiment, 1864
News article on the Union League of Massachusetts, 1863