Black Freedom Struggle in the United States:

116 H.R. 7120 (Introduced in the House): Justice in Policing Act of 2020; Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act; Police Reporting Information, Data, and Evidence Act of 2020; End Racial and Religious Profiling Act of 2020; Police Exercising Absolute Care With Everyone Act of 2020

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Document Title: 116 H.R. 7120 (Introduced in the House): Justice in Policing Act of 2020; Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act; Police Reporting Information, Data, and Evidence Act of 2020; End Racial and Religious Profiling Act of 2020; Police Exercising Absolute Care With Everyone Act of 2020

Document Description: Bill text: To hold law enforcement accountable for misconduct in court, improve transparency through data collection, and reform police training and policies.

Author: n/a

Publication Year: 2020

Publication: Bills – Bill Text

ProQuest Product: ProQuest Congressional

Source Institution: Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

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